Ubiquitous Vision is a non-profit company started in 2003 that operates in the USA. We work with youths to promote education, visual communication, technology and awareness. Ubiquitous Vision is a fiscally sponsored project of Marin Link, a California nonprofit corporation, exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code #20-0879422.

Mohamed Bangura
Mohamed was working as a security guard at a hotel in Freetown in 2003. He wanted more than anything to get an education and become
a successful person in his community. Mohammed was able to pass his college entrance exams and is now enrolled in nursing school through
the continued sponsorship of Ubiquitous Vision.


Mohamed pictured here as a nursing intern at a local hospital in Freetown, as part of his practicals in Nursing school.
He hopes to be a doctor someday. |
 Mohamed and his fellow nursing students. Mohammad has worked hard over the past 4 years to accomplish his goals. He has become a mentor and a role model to the Students in the current after school-tutoring program sponsored by Ubiquitous Vision. He is also working as a key coordinator with Ubiquitous Vision, handling administrative duties in Africa. |

She was 12 years old when she and he brother were abandoned by their father and step mother Her brother drooped put of school; Haja heard of ubiquitous vision’s FEEDING HUNGERY MINDS and talked her way into the program, though she was younger than the others. Haja’s drive to succeed, along with the support she receives from UBV’s FHM program enabled her to pass her mid high school exams with acceptance to one of the best girl high schools, in 2006 In 2007 she finished 1st all three school terms in her class of thirty-three students With students like Haja who work hard and inspire others Sierra Leonean youth’s has a brighter future. Her goal is to become an Accountant. Please help to continue sponsoring her |
Our youngest male senior secondary school student, we sponsored him in junior high school, he went through our after school program. He now study’s science in one best high school’s and would like to become a medical doctor. He makes time to come back and mentor our junior students |

Ubiquitous Vision is a non-profit company started in 2003 that operates in the USA. We work with youths to promote education, visual communication, technology and awareness. Ubiquitous Vision is a fiscally sponsored project of Marin Link, a California nonprofit corporation, exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code #20-0879422.